Dear Vanya, I think about you often. Sometimes I see somebody who reminds me of you, their haircut or posture, their lithe silhouette. I miss you still, a lot, my dear friend.
There are so many things to talk with you about! The coming elections, Brexit, events in the news. I want to sit with you in your marvelously decorated living room, that you painted all by yourself and hear you talk about the time you went to university and studied with Maslow, just be with you again.
Looking you up online tonight I see you were in
Alfie with Terence Stamp in 1964
Vanya Franck and Terence Stamp in the stage production Alfie!
You played Margaret Lord in
Alaska Repertory Theatre
Anchorage/Fairbanks, Alaska
The Philadelphia Story by Philip Barry
Third Production of the Eighth Season Dec. 22, 1983 to Jan. 13, 1984
 ©David Predeger
You were listed on the Tony Awards site as one of the people who died in 2012/2013 in good company with actors and actresses you would have been pleased to be listed among.
Richard Adler
Paul Ainsley
John Aman
Christine Anderson
Patty Andrews
Allan Arbus
R.G. Armstrong
Victor Arnold
David Atkinson
Conrad Bain
Shirley Ballard
Billy Barnes
Daniel Barton
Ralph Beaumont
David Berk
Eddie Bert
Lois Bewley
Herbert Blau
Ernest Borgnine
Louis Botto
Beverley Bozeman
Richard Briers
Jacqueline Brookes
Brian Brownlee
Betty Ann Busch
Helena Carroll
Janet Carroll
Dorothy Carter
Rudy Challenger
Marianne Challis
William Chapman
Shirley Chester
Sybil Christopher
David Connell
Harold "Stumpy" Cromer
Sam Crothers
Edward Crotty
Leslie B. Cutler
Hal David
Audrey Dearden
Henry Denker
Phyllis Diller
Jacquelyn Dubois
Victor Duntiere
Charles Durning
Burt Edwards
Nora Ephron
Patrick Farrelly
Doris Faye
Peter Flint
Steve Forrset
Manheim Fox
Vanya Franck
| Bonnie Franklin
Frederick Franklin
Robin Gibb
Virginia Gibson
Ben Gillespie
Kevin Gray
Michael Gray
Martha Greenhouse
Andy Griffith
Richard Griffiths
James Grout
Larry Hagman
Marvin Hamlisch
Arthur Hammer
William Hanley
Paul Harris
Al Freeman Jr.
Sherman Hemsley
Susan Hight
Celeste Holm
Howard Honig
Edgar "Buddy" Freitag
Jonathan Frid
Luigi Gasparinetti
John Horn
Scott Hunter
George Ives
Charles Jaffe
Barney Johnston
Fay Kanin
John Kerr
Jerome Kilty
Marketa Kimbrell
Archer King
Larry L. King
Jack Klugman
Garrett Lewis
Karl Light
George Lindsey
Mort Lindsey
Ralph Linn
Susan Luckey
Morgan MacKay
Lori March
Albert Marre
Sid Marshall
Joel Marston
Matt Mattox
James McGill
Patricia Medina
Roy Miller
Kathi Moss
Leonard A. Mulhern | Lou Myers
Michael O'Hare
Lupe Ontiveros
George Ormiston
Milo O'Shea
Martin Pakledinaz
Larry Payton
John R. Powers
Phil Ramone
Martin Richards
Jack Richardson
Fred Ridgeway
Joan Roberts
Steve Roland
Marty Ross
Frederick Neumann
Frank Savino
Barbara Newman
John Newton
Melva Niles
Patricia Northrop
William Nuss
Jeremy Nussbaum
Ravi Shankar
Gloria Hope Sher
Lee Silver
Frank O'Brien
Mike O'Carroll
Mark O'Donnell
Gretchen Oehler
Carrie Smith
Victor Spinetti
Joan Stein
Arthur Storch
Ian Stuart
Anne Sullivan
Donna Summer
Willy Switkes
Maria Tallchief
Beatrice Terry
Phyllis Thaxter
Susan Tyrrell
Porter Van Zandt
Gore Vidal
Simon Ward
Evelyn Ward
Fran Warren
Andy Williams
William Windom
Eugene V. Wolsk
Jean Sincere Zambello |
official obit in the Toronto Star
FRANCK, Vanya - Died April 28, 2012; born Montreal 1928. Actor, writer, director, teacher, designer, counsellor. Performed at the Crest Theatre and at Stratford in the 1960s. Broadway credits include Alfie, Conduct Unbecoming : other notable theatre roles Alma Summer and Smoke, Masha The Seagull, Margaret A Man for All Seasons : movies include The Other Side of Midnight, Consensus . She was a member of Jean Erdman's Theater of the Open Eye Company and Artist in Residence at Brandeis University for 3 years. She wrote a play, Spectrum of One, and an epic poem To Kill a Tiger (2011 Pathways Publishing). Formerly married to Charles Jarrott, she was predeceased by her brother Kerle Palin: survived by her sister Esther; nieces Elaine, Vivian, Jennifer; nephews Ted, Wood; special friends Dora, Dan, Savannah, John, Yusef and Elizabeth Shepherd. Her credo: "Creating beauty is never a waste of time"
Published in the Toronto Star on May 5, 2012
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