Friday, September 28, 2012

random thoughts of admiration about Vanya

Vanya, I am reading this article now, written by a man who admired a woman
who was murdered yet glossed over. In reading it I realized there were so many attributes of yours that I admired.

Thought you were quintessentially Canadian British in your genteel way of speaking, you were
an extraordinary feminist. You truly lived your way, dressed your way, said what was on your mind,
spoke your truth. You used to walk throughout New York City at night with Becky, until all hours, until dawn if you liked.

I loved your independent spirit!

You weren't especially fond of children, didn't want to do charity work or volunteer and didn't fake interests in anything that was politically correct, if it weren't something you were genuinely interesting in knowing or doing.

I loved that you admired the young Mexican guitar player on the 2nd floor and tried to help him find sponsorship or an education. You loved young people, not kids but young adults, especially creative ones.

Was wandering around the web just now and found a video of somebody talking to their deceased friend, at their grave. I thought of you. Though the vernacular is completely, like totally, different to yours, I could relate to missing their friend a lot.

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