Things on the web have a way of dissolving into the cyber ether. So this is an attempt to gather Vanya's obituaries and memorial comments in the guest book. Perhaps there will be a relative who is interested in contributing at some time. As of today, September 12th 2012, this is what has been written for her obituary and in the guest book.
FRANCK--Vanya, April 28th aged 83: actor, writer, teacher, designer, counselor, friend. Formerly married to Charles Jarrott. Survived by sister Esther, nieces Elaine, Vivian, Jennifer: nephews Ted, Wood. Her credo: "Creating beauty is never a waste of time".
This Guest Book will remain online until 6/5/2013 courtesy of SAVANNAH BOUCHER.
The specific guest book page for Vanya
FRANCK--Vanya, April 28th aged 83: actor, writer, teacher, designer, counselor, friend. Formerly married to Charles Jarrott. Survived by sister Esther, nieces Elaine, Vivian, Jennifer: nephews Ted, Wood. Her credo: "Creating beauty is never a waste of time".
This Guest Book will remain online until 6/5/2013 courtesy of SAVANNAH BOUCHER.
May 06, 2012
Vanya was that rare individual filled with love, charm, beauty and wonderfully creative talent.
I wish her dear, sweet soul much happiness in future endeavors ! She was a true blessing while she was with us. .
Kate Hildebrandt
May 07, 2012
Her beauty, talent, insight, and love kept me going through some dark times. I will miss her fiercely. We had the ability to open each others eyes when we walked through museums together. How can I do without the long phone conversations with Vanya?
~ Dan Washburn, Rockville, Maryland
May 09, 2012
Vanya was full of light, such a beautiful person. R.I.P.
~ Y. Zuniga, New York, New York
May 11, 2012
Darling Vanya - what a long journey we travelled together as friends since 1970. In these last years, I shall always treasure the glowing smile on your face when I came to see you, and the warmth of your love. I shall miss both. May your spirit be at home now in that "undiscovered country", and find peace.
~ Elizabeth Shepherd, New York, New York
Vanya on the right side and Elizabeth on the left
May 15, 2012
I know you cared for me, as I did for you, and I am grateful. Thank you for sharing, supporting and loving. Rest in peace.
~ Ted Schofield, York
May 17, 2012
So splendid and auspicious a devoted friend, sister, mentor, healer, advisor, confidant, inspiration of the creative spirit I have eternally in our beloved Vanya. Cherished memories of her radiant and generous spirit deeply etched in my heart, forever live, as I treasure the moments we so joyously shared together.
"Oh my God! O Thou forgiver of sins, bestower of gifts, dispeller of afflictions!
Verily, I beseech Thee to forgive the sins of such as have abandoned the physical garment and have ascended to the spiritual world.
O my Lord! Purify her from trespasses, dispel her sorrows, and change her darkness into light. Cause her to enter the garden of happiness, cleanse her with the most pure water, and grant her to behold Thy splendors on the loftiest mount." 'Abdu'l-Baha'
With warmest love from your eternal friend Dora Carlyn.
September 08, 2012
Oh Vanya how you and I and our two scrappy dogs passed many hours on the stoop at 338. We so enjoyed watching those pups play with each other with such abandon. You and I talked and shared about our lives that had past and our lives to be lived. You were warm, magical and love. Later on as this young man stumbled and fell in the big city-you showed up at my apartment while I was hurriedly packing my shattered life and we sat and you listened. There were some tears (mine) and you showed great sympathy and spoke of hope. Thank you. I will never forget you.
~ William McLaughlin, Pasadena, CA, California
September 09, 2012
Although I wrote months ago, am writing again because just yesterday I was telling my sister Toni about Vanya and what an incredibly special person she was so I perked up when I saw that there was a new entry in her guest book. Vanya will live on forever in our hearts. I can just picture her and Becky wandering through flowering fields with big smiles on their faces!
We all love you Vanya!
~ Kate Hildebrandt, New York, New York
September 11, 2012
Vanya was a genuine and vibrant human-being with a quick and infectious smile, a wonderful temperament, and an openness and warmth that seemed inexhaustible. She and her beloved dog are deeply missed in the neighborhood.
~ Eric Walton, New York City, New York
Vanya's obituary in the New York Times
FRANCK - Vanya April 28th
aged 83: actor, writer, teach-
er, designer, counsellor,
friend. Formerly married to
Charles Jarrott. Survived by
sister Esther, nieces Elaine,
Vivian, Jennifer: nephews
Ted, Wood. "Creating beauty
is never a waste of time".
Vanya's obituary in the New York Times
FRANCK - Vanya April 28th
aged 83: actor, writer, teach-
er, designer, counsellor,
friend. Formerly married to
Charles Jarrott. Survived by
sister Esther, nieces Elaine,
Vivian, Jennifer: nephews
Ted, Wood. "Creating beauty
is never a waste of time".
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